Fashion Guru Santa Anzo Facebook Account Gets Hacked By Illuminati!

Managing Director Arapapa, Santa Anzo’s social media accounts have been hijacked by people describing themselves as illuminati Agents!

Fashion Guru Santa Anzo Facebook Account Gets Hacked By Illuminati!
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Managing Director Arapapa, Santa Anzo’s social media accounts have been hijacked by people describing themselves as illuminati Agents!

According to Santa, the account was hijacked and it was used by yet unknown people to invite them like illuminati Facebook page!

This is unacceptable!!!! Unbelievable!!! My account is definitely no longer "mine"... she posted in disbelief!

See photo:

Here is the official message from Santa after the hijackers again gain access and deleted most of his posts!



My accounts & emails have been hacked. Google was fast to act and notified me accordingly. Facebook was not too fast so some of my friends have been conned and others chatted with the hackers who confirmed my alleged new faith. My earlier DISCLAIMER was deleted by the hackers. I shall not honour them by any further recognition through mentioning their society.


This therefore shall be my final response;


If I say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
and I make the Most High MY dwelling,
no harm will overtake ME,


14 “Because I[b] love HIM,” says theLord, “HE will rescue ME;
HE will protect ME, for I acknowledge HIS name.
15 I will call on HIM, and HE will answer ME;
HE will be with ME in trouble,
HE will deliver ME and honor ME.
16 With long life HE will satisfy ME
and show ME HIS salvation.”


The only LIGHT that l know and believe in is that of JESUS CHRIST the king of heaven. Blessings

Watch this space!

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