Meet the Fan with a Giantic Permanent Sheebah Tattoo

A 'Sheebaholic' shared his permanent Sheebah tattoo on social media ... and it's the most surprising thing you'll see today.

Meet the Fan with a Giantic Permanent Sheebah Tattoo
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Now that's a huge fan!

Matovu Seka, one of Sheebah Karungi's biggest fans had his body permanently inked with the 4-time Best Female Artist award winner's name ... and it's as amazing as it looks.

Matovu is a Sheebaholic whose instagram page is filled with Sheebah's photos and brands.

He got Sheebah's name tattoed on his arm about 8 weeks ago.

According to the information on this fan's page, he was ranked as Sheebah's number one Sheebaholic by the president herself. Amazing right?!

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