Swangz Avenue Boss Gets Showered With Money During Birthday Celebrations

Swangz Avenue and Buzz Co-founder Julius Kyaze Gets Showered With Money During Birthday Celebrations

Swangz Avenue Boss Gets Showered With Money During Birthday Celebrations
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Julius Kyaze the co-founder and CEO of Buzz and Swangz Avenue celebrated adding another year to his age on Monday evening.

The surprise was organized by close friends including Benon Mugumbya, Pj and some employees at Swangz avenue offices in Muyenga. When the rich have a party it’s another day to level the bar high, the birthday boy was showered with money including Barack Obama's currency.


money giftsBirthday cakeBirthday celebrationsFriends and Family

Happy be-lated birthday Julius Kyazze and kindly whisper the new age to us

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