Alex Muhangi, Diners Lounge Clash Over Money

Alex Muhangi Is earning a fortune from selling Comedy content to NTV without the consent from management that owns the venue.

Alex Muhangi, Diners Lounge Clash Over Money
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Comedian Alex Muhangi might be knifed from Bukoto based Diners Lounge and restaurant following financial disputes with the management.

According to a reliable source, Alex Muhangi Is earning a fortune from selling Comedy content to NTV without the consent from management that owns the venue. In addition, the partnership with Serena based NTV was to advertise all the theme nights at Dinners lounge but Alex only preferred to push his Thursday comedy store night:

Management has been pulling ropes with Alex and they now thinking of firing him. The comedian who is currently enjoying Trump's land put all the weekly comedy shows on hold but shockingly, last week management at the Diners lounge staged a show that had Tamale Mirundi, Snake and Zolo, Ronnie McVex and it was highlighted by Geosteady.

According to Alex Muhangi comedy is to resume on the 28th of September when he steps his feet back to the Uganda soil with a mega line up of Eric Omondi, Nameless, and other local comedians.

All efforts to reach Alex Muhangi for a response were not successful.

We shall keep you posted 

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