You thought Pallaso was big? you're wrong, he's bigger than Jay-z ... calling anyone big when they are bigger than Jay-Z if very offending. .. he is a music god
Bazinga ... Hmmm... that's a lot of BS ... but King Pallaso wants you to know he's ever beaten Jay-z at something ...
Sadly, some of you knew Pallaso after his hit song 'Amaaso' with Radio and Weasel but he was doing great in the states way before that. So, today he wanted to share his victory over Jay-z's own album in one of the music libraries 'Bull Moose music store' in Lewiston in the states. His 'Change' album out sold Jay-z's at #7 while the latter's album was at #17
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That's victory, isn't it? His album out sold Jay-z's in his own country.. Isn't that enough proof that Pallaso was big before Amaaso. Here is his post ...
I been tellin these cays that I been made history its just that every body took long to catch on !! Yes ya might have known me from Amaaso but I been doin my thing way before that and the ones that been fans from day one can tel you the same !!! Here is a picture from Bull Moose music store in Lewiston where Pallaso & The Mess Change Cd had out sold Jay Z !!!In that picture ya can see Jay Z Cd at number 17 while ours is out selling him at number 7 !!! ####Stand4Pallaso
The Photo: Check it out!

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