Jazz Legend Isaiah Katumwa Celebrates 16 Years Of Marriage.

Now our snoops have learnt that Isaiah has been married to his wife for the last 16 years and the two celebrated their 16 year anniversary in a closed-door party.

Jazz Legend Isaiah Katumwa Celebrates 16 Years Of Marriage.
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The celebrated Jazz Music Legend Isaiah Katumwa walked down the aisle with his sweetheart in 2002.

Now our snoops have learnt that Isaiah has been married to his wife for the last 16 years and the two celebrated their 16 year anniversary in a closed-door party.

However, Isaiah could not hide his excitement but instead took to his social media and praised his wife for being there for him in thin and thick. He posted, "Not by power not by might but by The Spirit of God...Marriage in this generation is really by grace.

This day 16years ago, we exchanged vows openly in Church and I want to openly thank God that through thick and thin we are here to say thank You... thank you my dear wife for standing the good and the bad, the mountains and the valleys...I celebrate you and our union this day.

I love this song...

The God in the mountain is still God in the valley when things go wrong, he’ll make them right....#real".

Well, congrats Isaiah and we wish you the best in your marriage.

We shall keep you posted.

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