Money Spenders To Rain Big Cash At Vegas Party

The pop-up club party is definitely going to be the event to send 2018 off in style and you wouldn’t want to miss out on this one.

Money Spenders To Rain Big Cash At Vegas Party
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The Vegas pop-up club party we have been anticipating is on this Thursday! The word on the street is that the organisers are working day and night to fly in state-of-the-art gear and décor ahead of the event.

The latest being the gun machines that will bring downpour of money in dollars and shillings for the big money spenders and players of Kampala city who will be taking part in the Vegas casino games. There will be a need for masterly finesse in the most popular casino games like roulette, black jack, poker and many others to make it rain like thunderstorm.

Party animals who are already on the guest list have been talking about the lavish pop up party that will have Serena Conference Hall turned into the city of lights, games and booze for the rest of the night courtesy of the Johnnie Walker Gold Reserve whiskey.

We also can’t wait to see the glamourous and fascinating outfits this Thursday hosted by the charming Mrs Nadia Matovu and judging from the dress code on the exclusive posters being shared, it’s going to be lit!

The pop-up club party is definitely going to be the event to send 2018 off in style and you wouldn’t want to miss out on this one.

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