Buzz Teeniez Awards Shifted From May To December

Uganda’s longest standing and most consistent awards, the Buzz Teenz Awards will be held in December and not in May as it has been for the last 14 years. 

Buzz Teeniez Awards Shifted From May To December
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Uganda’s longest standing and most consistent awards, the Buzz Teenz Awards will be held in December and not in May as it has been for the last 14 years. 

This decision was reached after careful considerations to adopt an awarding system based on a calendar year. This will allow flexibility for participation from the teens over the calendar year (January – December) and also give them a chance to celebrate the year’s achievements with their mentors and influencers at a better suited time.

"We would like to reassure the teens that this change is for the best and will also enable us to make more changes to the format of the awards while maintaining their relevance and staying true to being the unwaivered voice for the teens. 

This coming holiday, we shall launch the first Buzz Dream Fair at UMA Gardens, on May 11th. An event aimed to not only entertain but to inspire the teens and bridge the gap between reality and their goals. Teens will have a chance to interact, experience and exhibit current trends in art, fashion, music, and technology and will also feature the first Teens Silent Disco, " the statement from the management read.

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