Fresh Daddy to Introduce New Woman

He recently signed an artiste, Sera, to his new label and it is speculated that they are dating .

Fresh Daddy to Introduce New Woman
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Things are happening so fast in Fresh Daddy’s life. The wannabe singer and father to young rapper, Fresh Kid is in love  and he is preparing for kwanjula ceremony.

Fresh Daddy says he has no problem showing off the woman who stole his heart but the woman is not yet ready to be a public figure.

 “I am still preparing her,” he says.

He recently signed an artiste, Sera, to his new label and it is speculated that they are dating .

“I can't date my artiste. It's stipulated in the contract that an artiste and manager shall not date," he clarified.

Fresh Daddy broke up with his Fresh Kid's mum many years ago.

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