Hellen Lukoma, Leila Kayondo Reunite

Hellen Lukoma and Leilah Kayondo have finally put their differences aside and decided to be best friends again.

Hellen Lukoma, Leila Kayondo Reunite
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They were inseparable and everyone thought their relationship would last forever.

The two later separated, started throwing jibes at each other.

Hellen Lukoma and Leilah Kayondo have finally put their differences aside and decided to be best friends again.

Lukoma took to social media to praise Leilah.

“Today I celebrate a strong woman, Leila. This world has got nothing on us. With everything going on, trust me God is in control,” Lukoma posted.

This gesture was appreciated by Iryn Namubiru.

Leilah said she misses Lukoma and can’t wait for the lockdown to be lifted so that they can catch-up.

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