Why Dr. Jose Chameleone Will Be A Blessing To Karamoja.

Th self proclaimed music doctor, Dr. Jose Chameleone is the most respected artist in East Africa ... 'Like You Didn't Know That Already' ... and he's a blessing to the people of Karamoja in the best way.

Why Dr. Jose Chameleone Will Be A Blessing To Karamoja.
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Why did we bring this back?! ... that's a klutz question.

Jose Chameleone is so thankful to the people of Karamoja for letting him make the video to his greatest hit of 2014 'Wale Wale'. The video was to be cultural ... you w'dn't find any better place for exactly that than the only region in Uganda that hasn't been contaminated by western sins and culture fab crap.

The people of Karamoja welcomed us and ... hey, they made us tea too. -- Chameleone said.

JC also further promised that part of the money he will collected from his 'One Man One Mill One Show' show -- will help build 100 boreholes and 100 toilets for the people of Karamoja. The easiest wayto put it -- JC has a heart for charity!

One thing to not be happy about JC's show is ... it is very expensive. But you should have gotten the memo by now ... the show is only for the wealthiest people in the country (exactly how he put it). So, if you miss out on attending the best show of 2014, don't get angry ... face it, dude's got a huge promise to fulfil in Karamoja--and it is not cheap.

Jose chameleon emphasized on charity as the theme for the concert and argued his fellow artists to always give back to the community and stop getting comfortable with the money they make from their gigs.

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