Technically, when we use the word hacked, it sounds more silicon valley that it seems -- let's find a reasonable word for her situation ... ohh ... got it -- 'Hijacked'. Sheebah Karungi's facebook personal account was sadly hijacked.
According to Sheebah, her account was hijacked by a random 'FOOL' -- let's face it: that's a little offending, especially if a fool is wise enough to block you access from your own account. Ethically, there are -- and we hope Sheebah finds out who the fool is soon enough -- and we expose them and their dirty works.
The 'Twesana' and 'Go Down Low' hit maker mentioned how she missed her 'Sheebaholics' -- and because you're one of them, she says she's so sorry and wants you to know she didn't have access to the account for 5 days -- and that everything that was posted within the 5 days shouldn't be accounted to her ... but she's still sorry about any comments or statements that may have had a negative influence on you (her fan) or caused you any harm ... or changed the way you think of her.
I Missed You My #Sheebaholics!
Some Fool Hacked Into My Account Like 5days Ago But Now Am Back On. Sorry If The Idol Fool Wasted Your Time, Insulted You Or Tried To Steal From You. Now...To The Fool, Get Ajob. -- Sheebah Karungi.
Apparently, Sheebah is not the first female singer whose facebook account has been hacked. Two months ago, uprising singer and 'Onsanula' hit maker, Spice Diana's account was hijacked -- the hijacker posted rude and controversial posts on her facebook timeline.