Liam Voice Explains Lack of Hits

Through a social post, Liam explained his silence means he is dealing with personal battles. 

Liam Voice Explains Lack of Hits
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Musician Liam Voice hit the scene with many significant songs like "Bus" and "Olinonya". 
He has, however, failed to release follow-up songs to match those that introduced him to the ears of music lovers.

Through a social post, Liam explained his silence means he is dealing with personal battles. 

“I hope our friends understand that we are growing and things won’t be the same anymore. We are busy with these unforgiving hustles of life, these are critical years that need us to focus, this age needs our full attention if we sleep on it now, we might sleep on our future forever. So when I go silent on you sometimes just know I am busy trying to win wars my parents never won, there is a lot you cannot see,” he wrote.

He was recently in the news for unjustly treating his ex-girlfriend. The ex took to social media to warn girls against dating Liam on account that he is toxic.

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