Johnny Depp Cares Enough To 'Not Give A F--k' Anymore

Johnny Depp Cares Enough To 'Not Give A F--k' Anymore

Johnny Depp Cares Enough To 'Not Give A F--k' Anymore
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Much has been said about Johnny Depp's movie choices over the past few years. "Why Are All of Johnny Depp’s Movies Bombing at the Box Office?" asked the Daily Beast in April. "The Johnny Depp Backlash Is Justified: He’s Lost His ’90s Cool," Flavorwire wrote, echoing sentiments from The Huffington Post when "The Lone Ranger" opened in July 2013.

Now, in a new Details cover story, Depp addresses his own so-called career slump, during which his résumé has been loaded with movies like "The Tourist," "Transcendence" and a fourth "Pirates of the Caribbean" installment. As it turns out, his mantra is something along the lines of "Who cares!"

"What is really satisfying is, like Marlon [Brando], getting to that place where he just didn't give a fuck," Depp said. "First, I reached a point where I cared so much and was so diligent in terms of approaching the work. Then you get to where you care so fucking much that it gets goddamn beleaguering, you know? But then a great thing happens. Suddenly you care enough to not give a fuck, because not giving a fuck, that's the total liberation. Being game to try anything."

Trying anything, in terms of Depp's immediate future, means playing the Big Bad Wolf in December's big-screen adaptation of "Into the Woods," a Nazi-era art dealer in the January comedy "Mortdecai" and, of course, more "Alice in Wonderland" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies. Perhaps his role as organized-crime big shot Whitey Bulger, in next year's "Black Mass," will recall Depp's better days.

And even if it doesn't, he'll be fine: "For everybody, the clock's ticking," he said. "The main thing is whether you sit there and stare at the clock in fear of your ultimate demise -- which is pointless -- or you just live."

To read the full profile of Johnny Depp, head over to Details.


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