Maurice Kiirya  praises singer Irene Ntale 

He explained Ntale can use her guitar to bring out anything she desires for her audience.

Maurice Kiirya  praises singer Irene Ntale 
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Irene Ntale is one of the best live band performers we have in Uganda. Despite her struggling music career, she puts up electrical performances whenever she has a chance.

Following her performance over the weekend at the Ikon Awards, fellow artist Maurice Kiirya was shocked by her lyrical prowess and energy on the guitar.

He explained Ntale can use her guitar to bring out anything she desires for her audience.

"I just watched Irene Ntale's live performance from last night. That's a real artist right there and a musician! Her live version of 'Bikoola' and her playing guitar to it, proves how all round she is," Maurice Kirya tweeted.

Ntale welcomed Maurice Kiirya's comment with politeness in the comment section.

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