I don't deal with Arrogant Women - Chosen Blood

Musician Chosen Blood has been romantically involved with quite a number of women, and sources have alleged that he had a relationship with Winnie Nwagi.

I don't deal with Arrogant Women - Chosen Blood
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Musician Chosen Blood has been romantically involved with quite a number of women, and sources have alleged that he had a relationship with Winnie Nwagi.

Despite all that, Chosen says he doesn't deal with arrogant women. He takes his life seriously, and dealing with arrogance would ruin his career.

"I don't deal with arrogant women, and it's the reason I am still single. Arrogance breeds disrespect, and I don't want to be under anyone's control; I want to be a free man," he said in a recent interview with a local television.

Chosen was speaking about his past relationships, which have ended in tears before.

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