Award winning RnB artist Celine Dion has shared an update of her health with her fans.
Celine who is well know for her song 'My Heart Will Go On.' was diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome in 2022.
Through her Instagram, she captioned
"As many of you know, in the fall of 2022, I was diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS). Trying to overcome this autoimmune disorder has been one of the hardest experiences of my life, but I remain determined to one day get back onto the stage and to live as normal of a life as possible.
I am deeply grateful for the love and support from my kids, family, team and all of you!I want to send my encouragement and support to all those around the world that have been affected by SPS. I want you to know you can do it! We can do it!Love."
SPS is a rare condition and not well understood.
According to the National Institute for Neurological Disorders, it is characterised by fluctuating muscle rigidity in the trunk and limbs and a heightened sensitivity to stimuli such as noise, touch, and emotional distress, which can set off muscle spasms.
Abnormal postures, often hunched over and stiffened, are characteristic of the disorder, the institute says.
People with SPS can be too disabled to walk or move, or they are afraid to leave the house because street noises, such as the sound of a horn, can trigger spasms and falls.
Most individuals with SPS have frequent falls and because they lack the normal defensive reflexes; injuries can be severe.
While there is no cure for SPS, there are treatments - including anti-anxiety medicines and muscle relaxants - which can slow down its progression.