Bad Black Reaches Agreement With Kim Swagga Over Daughter's Custody

Bad Black indeed accepted Kim Swagga's apology, and arrangements are in place to ensure meetings between him and the daughter take place.

Bad Black Reaches Agreement With Kim Swagga Over Daughter's Custody
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For months now, Bad Black has been taking it to Kim Swagga over child neglect.

However, earlier this week, Kim Swag appeared in the media and apologized for all the wrongdoings against Bad Black and asked for a second chance as the father of the kid.

"I really apologize to her if I wronged her everywhere, and she should know that I respect her so much because of what she does for all the children, not only Davina," he partly said in an interview with a local television.

Swag also emphasized he carries much love and respect for Bad Black as the mother of her daughter and will keep doing so for years.

"I am speaking to Bad Black, the mother of my child. I respect you, and I want you to know that I maintain that respect for years," he said.

Bad Black indeed accepted Kim Swagga's apology, and arrangements are in place to ensure meetings between him and the daughter take place.

“Someone tell Daddy Davina I have forgiven him after accepting his mistake. I have accepted him to start interacting with his daughter,” Black wrote on her Snapchat."

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