Spice Diana Shuts Down Breakup Rumors with Manager

Spice Diana shuts down rumors of splitting with longtime manager Roger Lubega.

Spice Diana Shuts Down Breakup Rumors with Manager
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Musician Spice Diana shut down rumors that she's ditched her manager Roger, who's been by her side since she first hit the music scene. She says they're a dream team, more business partners than colleagues, and no one's going to break them up!

People have always wondered if there's more to their story, especially after that controversial leaked recording. But Spice Diana says it's all work and zero romance. Lately, whispers started flying that she was going solo, but forget about it! She says these rumors are just haters trying to stir trouble. Roger's the only manager she's ever known, and she's not one to forget the people who helped her climb to the top.

"Seriously, who makes this stuff up?" she basically said. "Roger and I are golden. We're a team, and that's not changing. There's no reason for me to leave him, ever. Period."

Sure, some stars like Sheebah went it alone and did great, but that's not Spice Diana's style. She clearly values loyalty, and that means sticking with Roger by her side.

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