Eddy Kenzo Cracks A Whip! Fires Two Local Managers For Swindling His Money.

Eddy Kenzo Cracks A Whip! Fires Two Local Managers For Swindling His Money.

Eddy Kenzo Cracks A Whip! Fires Two Local Managers For Swindling His Money.
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Kenzo is a nonsense man these days! Gossip reaching us is Kenzo has fired two of his local managers who swindled money that was meant to boost his music on local radio stations.

However, Santos Kayiwa and Jamil Kato used the money to do their own stuff. He therefore took a drastic action and fired two of them remaining with Fred Mutebi.

It should be noted, Eddy Kenzo has for the last one year invested 25 Million in Public relations as he has hired a lot of Social media managers to run his youtube, instagram, facebook, and twitter account.

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