10 shocking fears of a Ugandan Lady

If you were to include both women and men in a generalized fear list you would find a different outcome from the list featured below. It is interesting to note that the majority of fears among women have to do with who they are and how they relate to others.

10 shocking fears of a Ugandan Lady
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If you were to include both women and men in a generalized fear list you would find a different outcome from the list featured below. It is interesting to note that the majority of fears among women have to do with who they are and how they relate to others.

1. Losing a Child

A mother often finds a sense of identity and value based on their children. It can be absolutely horrifying to consider the potential loss of a child. Many women will stay up late waiting for a teen to come home – or call neighbors trying to locate a child who’s lost track of time. The anxiety will run deep among women who believe the worst may have happened to a child

2. Divorce

This issue speaks to at least two separate fears. It can be a fear of being alone or a fear of failure. In one sense it is the loss of intimacy with someone you care about. In another it may feel as if you are not capable of keeping your marriage together. These feelings may be present even if you are simply considering the impact of a divorce and not actually going through one.

3. Breast cancer

Women likely hear more about this disease than virtually any other. Just mentioning the “C” word can bring about feelings of sorrow as you consider the potential of dealing with the disease – and then subsequent physical issues that you may feel define you as a woman.

4. Weight gain

It can be difficult on a woman to discover that something as beautiful as motherhood can also bring about weight gain. The weight may be difficult to take off and this knowledge can bring about a feeling of inadequacy and frustration.

5. Fear of no longer being attractive

If a woman feels she was able to gain a husband on the basis of her looks it can be a struggle when through age and time her physical characteristics change. The woman may consider surgical procedures to try and stop the hands of time in an attempt to remain attractive to her partner.

6. Heart Disease

This can be the result of reports that indicate that the greatest killer of women is heart disease. Women may consider that their health has a direct link to their ability to be there for their family.

7. Being left alone in old age

This can be as tough on married women as single. There can be a fear of the loss of a spouse and/or children that could leave a woman with a horrible sense of solitude in her golden years.Your phobia causing you panic attacks? Get rid of panic attacks today

8. Social situations

A woman who us self-conscious will be less inclined to enjoy social outings. They tend to be overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy and may ultimately resist the idea of engaging in a social life.

9. Change

Many women enjoy stability and fear change that can upset their lives. The change can be in location, physical health, marital status or any number of other life circumstances.

10. Identity theft

There is a sense of vulnerability in believing that someone has the power to assume your identity. It can be a nightmare for women to consider how to wade through the details needed to convince others they are who they say they are.

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