Well, at least we know one thing to expect from Season 5 of "The Walking Dead": more zombies.
The AMC show filled with gore, guts and flesh-eating monsters has been on hiatus for like a billion years now -- we kid, but seriously, it's been too long. With little to go on for the next season of the series, fans have been left concerned about the fate of Rick, Daryl and the rest of the crew -- and from the looks of this Season 5 teaser, we have good reason to be biting our nails and taking anti-anxiety medication in preparation for this fall.
Filming for Season 5 of the show hasn't been underway for too long yet, so any hope of catching a glimpse of the survivors from the prison should be tossed out the window. We're guessing they're probably still locked in a cattle car by that weirdo running Terminus. (Also, no sign of Beth yet so we'll start writing her eulogy now.) But thankfully, it looks like Carol, Tyreese and little Judith have earned their boy scout badges and learned to survive in the wilderness. The trio will probably collide with the people at Terminus sometime in Season 5, but first they have to get past that pesky horde of zombies stalking them through the woods.
[h/t Uproxx]