Jennifer Lawrence is now a pop star — but she hates it

JENNIFER Lawrence, pop star? Technically, yes — and it’s happening right now.

Jennifer Lawrence is now a pop star — but she hates it
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The actress and star of the Hunger Games movies gives a show-stopping performance in the latest instalment of the franchise, Mockingjay, when she sings an a cappella protest song called The Hanging Tree.

Lawrence’s husky, subdued delivery of the song has struck such a chord that the track is well on its way to becoming a worldwide hit.

Here in Australia, the song debuted at number 12 on the ARIA singles chart over the weekend, while in the UK it charted at number 14. Early figures in the US suggest the song sold over 150,000 copies last week, which should see J-Law land a coveted top 40 hit in America when this week’s chart is released on Wednesday.

One of these Hunger Games stars is now a successful singer. Sorry boys.

One of these Hunger Games stars is now a successful singer. Sorry boys. Source: AP

All this might make Lawrence smile, because by all reports, she was extremely reluctant to turn her hand to singing in the film.

“I do not like singing in front of other people. It’s like my biggest fear. I cried on set that day,” she told David Letterman in an interview earlier this month. “That was awful.”

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Maybe she feels a little better about her sideline career as a singer now she’s got a worldwide hit on her hands. May we suggest a Hungry Eyes/Foolish Games mashup for her next single? J-Law topping the charts with Hungry Games — c’mon, you could totally see it.

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