[New Song] : Brenda Nambi Release Her New Single "HAJJI"

Brenda Nambi's Song "Hajji - Kyoyagala Kyankuwa" is finally out after days of work in Didi Studio.

[New Song] : Brenda Nambi Release Her New Single
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Singer and Fashion designer Brenda Nambi's "Hajji" song is officially out and ready for Ugandan pop listeners to enjoy.

The former HB Toxic singer and dancer released the song a day ago. She is well know for songs like GO, Dance With ME and the smooth voice behind Santana's Song "Ayagala Bali" featuring Unique of Klear Kut.

Play "HAJJI" - Brenda Nambi(on Howwe Music)

HAJJI - Brenda Nambi
HAJJI > Brenda Nambi - Uganda Music (Download Songs the easiest way)

The Song is available for free download on Howwe Music - Brenda Nambi's Wall

She is set to premiere the song on Radio Safi, USA a few days from now. “I am truly excited about my new song and I believe it is going to work well for me. The video is being lined up and will be shot soon” — Brenda said.

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