Photos — Eddie Kenzo Gives Back To Society

The Bet award winner visited Mityana district being one for those highly affected areas and gave out food stuffs to over 4 villages including St Mary's school for the deaf.

Photos — Eddie Kenzo Gives Back To Society
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Singer Edirisa Musuza commonly known as Eddie Kenzo is giving back to Society. The scotching sun that hit the nation for the last few months left many parts of the country dry with no green, as a result many towns and villages were left in a famine since most the crops dried out.

The Bet award winner visited Mityana district being one for those highly affected areas and gave out food stuffs to over 4 villages including St Mary's school for the deaf.

Other areas highly affected include Isingiro where they depend on agricultural for survival. It has a population of about 380, 000.Over 53 people died in Nepak due to the drought.Masaka, Karamoja and some parts of Busoga are also affected.

 He posted on Facebook:

As I was watching news on one of the local TV station, they showed some people in some parts of Uganda that we completely starving without food or water to feed on. This was as a result of severe drought that hit them and dried off all their plantations. This touched my heart so much; I wished I could do something to rescue them from that situation. Because I well know how bad life is without food.

I contacted some of my friends to see what we could to save and help these brothers and sisters that were starving. And the people who responded quickly were Mr. Hith his wife Leira and their family and church .The Almighty God enabled us yesterday and we were able to give out some rice and beans to a few thousands of families in Mityana districts that we were told were among the most affected areas hit by this long season of drought. We also got a chance to visit some primary school of the deaf

and supported them with some rice, beans and  school materials. We served about 4 villages in Mityana district with a little we had and argued them to eat some and re harvest some for the future. There still more areas around the east and some parts of  northern Uganda that are facing the same problem of drought and lack food to feed their families. I know we can’t help everyone but anyone can help someone please do what you can in your area.

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