Zanie Brown in "KABUUTI" Video Shoot

Afro-beat Singer 'Zanie Brown' is shooting a video to her latest song titled Kabuuti.

Zanie Brown in
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Ugandan afro-beat Singer 'Zanie Brown' is shooting a video to her latest song titled 'Kabuuti'.

What, you haven't listened to the audio yet? Well, here it is. Download/Listen to Zanie's Kabuuti and see if you'll wait for the video.

Play "KABUUTI" - Zanie Brown(on Howwe Music)

KABUUTI - Zanie Brown
KABUUTI > Zanie Brown - Uganda Music (Download Songs the easiest way)

The Song is available for free download on Howwe Music - Zanie Brown's Wall

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Video shoot photos..

The highly anticipated red camera being used to capture the clips.

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