Dancehall Queen BELLA Makes The Worst Comeback To Music Ever.

The Queen of Dancehall is back but this shouldn't have been the way to do it.

Dancehall Queen BELLA Makes The Worst Comeback To Music Ever.
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She was gone for a long time and guess what? Nobody gave a crap about it. The self proclaimed Queen of the dancehall is back with a new song afrobeat song but there is one big fat mistake about her comeback.

After years of hidding from competition and fear of new and better uprising talent, she makes the worst comeback you've ever see in the music business.

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She debuted her new afro-beat song titled "Sipapa", it's a great song but one big problem with it is she stole a Nigerian beat. I can't imagine this is how she planned to resurrect to music business and expect us to like it,.. all those years doing what...? Nothing... but waiting for "Skelewu" by Davido and still it's instrumental.

She used to be good and her songs rocked night clubs like none other.

I don't really listen to a lot of Nigerian music but this beat couldn't just go unnoticed.

The video is a great one thanks to Chris Debar "The Director".

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