Usually, when we have our doubts about a song, we ask you if it's really worth listening to more than once. We don't always mean the song is bad, not really, we are not sarcastic. We ask for your opinion because in most cases, the song we're asking you to review is not quite what we expected considering that the last song the artiste sang is always better. Are we so hopeful and always in a buoyant mood? ... I don't know! But, you always have the best reaction to whether or not the song is worth your time.
Also Read : I Intend To Silence All The BadMind Hypocrites With Music — Bobi Wine
Beenie Gunter has a new song titled "Ayagala Nze" and was officially debuted today 4th/9/2014. Listen to it and let us know exactly what you think...
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Beenie GunterBeenie Gunter Ayagala NzeBeenie Gunter Realeases Ayagala NzeAyagala Nze Beenie GunterBeenie Gunter New 2014 Song Ayagala NzeUganda Music