B2C Boys Deny Making Loses at Concert

In a new interview, the B2C boys confirmed earning handsomely at the concert.

B2C Boys Deny Making Loses at Concert
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After the B2C concert at Freedom City, rumours emerged that the B2C boys and the promoter had not made any significant profit from the show.

Also Read: We’ll Not Hold Concerts at Freedom City Again - B2C Boys

In a new interview, the B2C boys confirmed earning handsomely at the concert.

It should, however, be noted that service providers didn’t get paid on time and appeared in the news to complain.

The dynamic trio is yet to have a concert that doesn't end with controversy. Their first show led to a split with their then manager, Andy. 

Also Read: Promoter Who Organized B2C Concert Allegedly Refuses to Pay Service Providers

Andy didn’t give them sufficient money after the show, and they felt cheated.

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