Musicians Pallaso and Alien Skin had successful concerts on Friday last week, but to hold the shows on the same day was against the rules of the musicians federation which also rhymes with that of promoters.
Eddy Kenzo says the federation tried to stop Alien Skin’s show through police but they were shocked when the spokesperson of the Uganda promoter’s association told them to back off.
“Promoter Balunywa told us that the plan to have Alien Skin’s concert on the same day with Pallaso was planned with Balaam’s approval. He had an arrangement with Abitex,” says Kenzo.
“We couldn’t believe it so we put Balaam and Abitex on a conference call and Abitex agreed but Balaam did not give us a clear answer,” Kenzo explains.
A picture of Balaam and Abitex chilling has been circulating on social media with sources saying Abitex paid 15M to Balaam after the show.