Family Drama: Late Mowzey Radio’s Mother Skips Weasel’s Concert!

The music scene buzzed as Weasel pulled off a sensational concert at Hotel Africana, with family, friends, and fans celebrating Ugandan music.

Family Drama: Late Mowzey Radio’s Mother Skips Weasel’s Concert!
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The music scene buzzed as Weasel pulled off a sensational concert at Hotel Africana, with family, friends, and fans celebrating Ugandan music.

However, the glaring absence of late Mowzey Radio’s mother, despite her promise to attend, left tongues wagging.

Her empty table became a focal point until other attendees took her place later in the night.

Meanwhile, Weasel's mother, Prossy Mayanja, and Lillian Mbabazi, mother of Radio’s children, attended and even joined Weasel on stage for a memorable performance of "Where You Are."

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