Alien Skin Reveals Lessons Learned from the Late Mowzey Radio

Musician Mowzey Radio passed away on February 1, 2018, at Case Hospital after succumbing to injuries sustained in a bar brawl in Entebbe.

Alien Skin Reveals Lessons Learned from the Late Mowzey Radio
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Musician Mowzey Radio passed away on February 1, 2018, at Case Hospital after succumbing to injuries sustained in a bar brawl in Entebbe.

Even in death, his name and music remain prominent in the industry due to his significant contributions.

One of the biggest musicians of this generation, Alien Skin, reveals that he learned several lessons from Radio, one of which was persistence.

He says Radio remained persistent despite persecution and criticism from various people in the industry.

"He used to be persistent and never gave up despite criticism and persecution. I thought he had made a lot of wrong decisions, but now I realize he didn't. People are always quick to judge, but I learned to be persistent like him and never to give up," he explained in an interview with a local television station.

Alien Skin believes he shares a similar life story with Radio and will continue making music for the betterment of the industry.

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