I Inspire People Like Daddy Andre - Dokta Brain

Daddy Andre disagrees with Dokta Brain and accuses him of plagiarism, claiming that Dokta Brain doesn't create original work.

I Inspire People Like Daddy Andre - Dokta Brain
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Dokta Brain and Daddy Andre are among the few celebrated Ugandan artists and songwriters of this generation.

However, Dokta Brain believes he is far superior to Daddy Andre, claiming to be his inspiration.

Dokta Brain alleges that Andre merely copies his work and has nothing original to offer in terms of songwriting.

"I inspire people like Daddy Andre, but he will never admit it. He just finds ways to put me down, but he should know that one song of mine is better than his entire career," Dokta Brain claimed in a local radio interview.

Daddy Andre disagrees with Dokta Brain and accuses him of plagiarism, claiming that Dokta Brain doesn't create original work.

"I know my brother is a songwriter, but he doesn't do original compositions. He's always looking for something to copy," he explained.

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