Daisy Ejang Talks About Love, Music And Her Source Of Love Songs

Daisy Ejang of the project Fame Tusker season six. Has somewhat… made it this far in the music industry as an artist as she prefers to be called so, though most church folks know her as a gospel singer

Daisy Ejang Talks About Love, Music And Her Source Of Love Songs
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Daisy Ejang of the project Fame Tusker season six. Has somewhat… made it this far in the music industry as an artist as she prefers to be called so, though most church folks know her as a gospel singer. Daisy while on Ohrizon vibes at UBC tv, for the premier of her sweetie video did say something about her strength in music and that’s good management and a hardworking team.

Watch Sweetie Video Here >>>

Speaking of the Sweaty video, the"Yawade" hit maker admitted she’s single and her ideal man is still visible only in her dreams. Hmmm….that’s so sincere of her never thought she felt that way. At least she was honest with the fans.

Download and Listen to Sweetie  Here >>>

Ejang later hinted on her source of love songs ….wait a minute not so fast …okay, it’s from the Bible in the book of song of songs written by king Solomon. She’s really not a terrible Bible reader after all. We Team Howwe wish you, Daisy the best in the music industry.

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