Watch Mumulete singer 'Deena Herr' sing to Jose Chameleone's Valu Valu ... She's just perfect.

Deena Herr, the Germany singer who shocked the country with her perfection in singing songs in Luganda, has another surprise for you -- sings Valu Valu as good as Jose Chameleone did.

Watch Mumulete singer 'Deena Herr' sing to Jose Chameleone's Valu Valu ... She's just perfect.
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Deena Herr promised there's more music coming and we're impatiently waiting. But as we sucrifice our music obsession time waiting for the songs on her profile on Howwe Music, let's enjoy how perfect this babe sounds while singing to one of the hardest songs "Valu Valu".

Dr. Jose Chameleone's song "Valu Valu" was released around Jun, 2014. Deena says she's sang this song all the time because she loves it so much. She also says Valu Valu was the first song from a Ugandan artist she ever sang.

The first song I ever picked that time was Valu Valu, Jose Chameleone ... and I really love it I would sing it every second


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