VIDEO REVIEW: “Trouble Maker”- Ekky feat. A Pass

EKKY's "Trouble Maker" Video featuring A PASS

VIDEO REVIEW: “Trouble Maker”- Ekky feat. A Pass
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I believe if you have listened to this song on Howwe.Biz or watched it on YouTube, mostly probably you have kept on pressing Replay button simply because the sound and storyline to video is irresistable.
If music was actually edible, I’d eat this all day, every day, and why lie. Ekky voice is so yummy and A-Pass’ is so delicious.  Lyrically, Ekky and A Pass nailed it, this is the time Ugandans should believe in themselves that Local music producers and directors can produce world class work without exerting pressure on them.

You Can Download & Enjoy: Download the audio for the Song Trouble Maker

One of the hottest issues that always comes up when discussing strategies on how Ugandan music as a whole can be better recognized among the provider’s of Africa’s most popular music (a privilege shared by Western and Southern Africa in general, Nigeria and South Africa in particular) is how to come up with a recognizable or unique Ugandan sound and package it with a very nice video.

With no doubt, Ekky and A Pass have done that in their trouble maker hit. [Story line: All that shines is no gold] Presumably these two artists could be sharing the same ideology of breaking through the so called international TV --- the like of Trace Urban, MTV Base.... And yes, they can if they kept doing quality music at level they working on.

Also Read:EKKY's "Trouble Maker" Video featuring A PASS is finally Here — Watch Now!

Video produced by Uganda’s most experienced Joshua Mwesigwa who many know as JoshTheFixer and the talented Sasha Vybes who put up their brains together to stage a world class production in single place on low budget video. Audio done by Buddiez production. We recommend you this song, with a star rate of 5/5

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