Deena Herr is a German born afro beat singer who blew music lovers minds with her incredible ability to comfortably sing in luganda on all her songs like Mumulete… Only one question lingers in my mind, “How does she do it? Could it be magic!... Well, she is back with a fresh track titled Kankuleke.
Deena sings about she is disappointed with her two timing Boyfriend and consequently decides to leave him. “Kankuleke” was produced by Nesim.
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The video was shot by and directed by Lukyamuzi Bashir of Badi World and it is already doing pretty good.
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About Deena./p>
Born in Baden-Germany, Deena Herr real names, is determined to getting Africa language heard and celebrated, she thus sings in Luganda, Kinyarwanda and Swahili languages.
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