President, Yoweri Museveni has asked farmers to embrace mulching so as to enhance soil fertility and mitigate effects of drought on crops.
In his efforts to boost agricultural productivity, Museveni argues that once a farmer practice mulching, he or she stops sunshine from hitting soils directly, which enable plants to survive longer during drought. Adding that mulching also helps a farmer to stop soil erosion, which may carry away fertile soils and young plants at the onset of rains.

The president said this while practically demonstrating mulching at Kawumu State lodge in Luweero last evening. Like in the past when he collected irrigation water in a jerrycan on a bicycle, Museveni similarly collected grass on a bicycle, saying this doesn't require farmers to incur additional costs.

The president also lashed out at journalists for supporting his opponents when they pulled guns against his drip irrigation methods.
He showed journalists the crops he planted in December last year, saying they had survived on drip irrigation throughout drought despite criticisms from many Ugandans. According to Museveni, drip irrigation is easy to practice but many Ugandans are lazy.
The president explained that he used Shillings 2 million to buy the banana plants, Shillings 1.3 million coffee seedlings and Shillings 500,000 for the pineapple, which is affordable for most farmers.

Museveni insists farmers should start with drip irrigation, which affordable and accessible to all. Luweero district with support from Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries has so far constructed two valley dams in Zirobwe Sub County.
The solar powered dams will be used as a demonstration to promote irrigation. The dams will be used harvest water during the rainy season for use during drought.

Tuesay, Museveni is expected to visit several farmers under the Operation Wealth Creation to ascertain the extent of its performance in Luweero district.