Parliament Sits to Consider Rafael Magyezi Motion this Afternoon

Members of Parliament will this afternoon sit to consider the Raphael Magyezi motion a day after Speaker Rebecca Kadaga adjourned the House amidst chaos.

Parliament Sits to Consider Rafael Magyezi Motion this Afternoon
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Members of Parliament will this afternoon sit to consider the Raphael Magyezi motion a day after Speaker Rebecca Kadaga adjourned the House amidst chaos.

The chaotic scenes in Parliament Tuesday made it impossible for the Igara West MP to table his motion seeking leave of parliament to introduce a Constitution Amendment Bill to pave way for the amendment of Article 102 (b) of the constitution, which caps the presidential age at 75.

Kadaga had to adjourn the House sitting to 2pm today after Opposition legislators disrupted proceedings. For the second time in five days, legislators got up and started singing non-stop in an attempt to block the Raphael Magyezi motion which the speaker had scheduled earlier in the day.

"House adjourned to 2pm tomorrow," said Kadaga, as the opposition members broke into wild celebrations.

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