The Deputy Chairperson of the National Planning Authority Dr. Abel Rwendeire, is dead. Dr. Rwendeire is said to have succumbed to a heart attack at Nakasero Hospital at 6am this morning.
Sources say Dr. Rwendeire complained of slight chest pain while at the Rotary Club of Kololo on Tuesday this week.
The deceased has been the chairperson of the Makerere University Visitation Committee that was appointed by President, Yoweri Museveni to investigate into the affairs of the university. The Committee has been waiting for an opportune time to hand over its report to president, Yoweri Museveni.
Dr. Rwendeire also represented Rubanda East County in Parliament between 1996 and 2002. During the same time he also served in government as the State Minister for Tourism, Trade and Industry and Higher Education.
He laid the foundation for the establishment of Uganda Vocational Qualifications Framework with a view to integrating the informal sector into the main stream formal educational processes. Dr. Rwendeire has been a member of Kampale North Rotary Club.
The late Dr. Rwendeire held a Ph.D. in Biochemistry he obtained in 1985 from the University of Canterbury in New Zeland. May his soul Rest in eternal peace.