The Uganda National Examinations Board, UNEB is set to release 2017 Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) results today. The event will take place at the office of the prime minister.
According to Patrick Muinda, the education ministry's spokesperson, the outcome of the exams will be made public at 11.00am local time.
Honorable minister of education and sports Janet Museveni is expected to jointly with the Uganda National Examinations board present the 2017 PLE results today, in accordance with section 4 (2) of the UNEB Act, Cap 137 laws of Uganda.
A total of 646,080 candidates sat their Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) exams in 2017. Of these, 333,495 are female candidates who represent 51.6 percent of the total candidature as compared to their male counterparts who are at 48.4 percent.
The results of the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) are usually released a week after that of the PLE outcome.