Drama as Masindi Head Teacher refuses to handover office

Ikoba Girls' primary school in Masindi District on Monday when the outgoing head teacher, Jolly Atugonza declined to hand over office to her successor, Elizabeth Nyamahunge

Drama as Masindi Head Teacher refuses to handover office
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Drama ensued at Ikoba Girls' primary school in Masindi District on Monday when the outgoing head teacher, Jolly Atugonza declined to hand over office to her successor, Elizabeth Nyamahunge.

The development followed Atugonza’s claims that she had been directed in a letter from the Bishop of Masindi Kitara not to hand over office. This angered parents who had gathered to welcome the new head teacher, threatening to throw the former out harshly.
However, Atugonza was saved by police who intervened and caused an impromptu meeting involving the two head teachers and the chairman Parent Teacher's Association-PTA, Estone Nyakoojo to discuss the matter.
Polly Kawaga, the officer in Charge of Bujenje police post calmed the irate parents explaining that they had agreed to have both head teachers return to the appointing authority to solve the impasse. 

Meanwhile, the same meeting resolved that the deputy head teacher takes charge of the school in the meantime. 
Meanwhile, Atugonza’s action comes a few days after Rev. Canon George Kasangaki, the Bishop Masindi Kitara dioceses accused the Chief Administrative Officer and the education department of transferring head teachers without consulting the foundation bodies.
Atugonza is accused of failing the school for the past 10 years she has been in charge.

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