Africans are too weak, that is why they have no peace. This was revealed by president Yoweri Museveni while speaking at the closing ceremony of the two-day Global Peace and Leadership conference at speke resort Munyonyo, Kampala.
President Museveni says Africans are part of the problem and their weakness is tempting greedy people to envade their countries. He therefore said Africans should stop complaining that greedy people are persecuting them.
“The other cause of lack of peace is weakness, it is Africans who remain weak, they are tempting the greedy to come and evade them. One time Mwarimu Nyerere said, a weak person is like an indecently dressed woman who tempts greedy people to have all sorts of bad ideas. It is therefore not correct for Africa to remain weak and then complain that they are being persecuted” the president said.
He called upon leaders of the global peace initiative to work hard and unite the two Koreas. Adding that when North and South Vietnam re-united, nothing was lost.
“The Koreans both north and south should reject anyone who wants to cause war in their countries.
When East and West Germany got united, who lost? Germany is one of the biggest economies in the world now, and we are doing business with them” the president said.
He said peace in the Koreas would be good for Asia and the entire world.
The two day even has been running under the theme; “Moral and Innovative Leadership: new models for sustainable peace and development.”
It attracted hundreds of delegates from all over the world.
President Museveni was also awarded with the Global Peace Award for his role played in bringing peace and stability to the great lakes region.