Kabale Hawker discharged after testing negative to Rift Valley Fever 

Doctors at Kabale Regional Referral hospital have cleared a 28 year old man to go home after testing negative to Rift Valley Fever.  

Kabale Hawker discharged after testing negative to Rift Valley Fever 
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Doctors at Kabale Regional Referral hospital have cleared a 28 year old man to go home after testing negative to Rift Valley Fever.  

The hospital leadership has been monitoring Godfrey Najuna, a hawker based in Kabale town who was admitted in the isolation ward at Kabale Regional Referral Hospital after complaining of fever, headache and bloody diarrhea.  

The patient had also participated in the burial of one of the rift valley hemorrhagic fever victim in Mbarara district last week before presenting with the symptoms. 

According to Sister Christine Akurut, the Principal Nursing Officer at Kabale Regional Referral Hospital, all the tests were negative and the samples also tested negative of Ebola, Marburg and Congo Crimean fever.  

Najuna was also found without any disease and is slated to be discharged today.  

Akurut however urged the public to take precautions and protect their lives from the deadly disease.

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