Police investigates mysterious death of a student at a based Lira Insitute

Police in Lira are investigating circumstances under which Michael Brian Waliyendo, a 23 year student of Uganda Christian Institute for Professional Development was found dead in his room.

Police investigates mysterious death of a student at a based Lira Insitute
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Police in Lira are investigating circumstances under which Michael Brian Waliyendo, a 23 year student of Uganda Christian Institute for Professional Development was found dead in his room.

Waliyendo, a resident at Cambridge hostel in Gweng-Abaara village, Adekokwok Subcounty in Lira district was found dead in his room this morning. According to his friends, the deceased went to bed normally last night without any complaints. 

Bonny Okello one of the school administrators explains that Waliyendo’s colleagues informed them that he was dead at 11am on Tuesday after he failed to get up as the usual routine. The deceased is from Bugiri district and had come to Lira for studies.

 Joel Tubanone, the Lira district police commander says a team of investigators have picked the body and handed it over to Lira Refferal hospital mortuary for postmortem, while investigations continue.

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