We do not recognize Lokodo’s Policy- Serwada

Religious leaders have denied any knowledge of a religious and faith based policy meant to streamline churches in the country. 

We do not recognize Lokodo’s Policy- Serwada
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Religious leaders have denied any knowledge of a religious and faith based policy meant to streamline churches in the country. 

Pastor Dr. Joseph Serwada an associate member, council of the presidents of the Inter religious council of Uganda says the only person that seems to know about this policy is Hon. Fr. Simon Lokodo the Ethics and integrity minister.

“The rest of the senior officials at the office of the president deny the existence of such policy, but just the honorable minister” Serwada said.

According to the pastor, nothing has caused more confusion among born again Churches and related fraternities than the said policy in the recent past. 

“What we know is that three years ago, the government called a general meeting where we were all invited and told of its wish to streamline the religious terrain in the country. We were told how the state was worried about the rampant falsehood that was happening in our churches” Pastor Serwada adds.

He points some of the falsehoods as church leaders selling holy water, holy rice, and holy watermelon as well as healing prayers whose fees are prescribed depending the magnitude of the need.

Other concerns include; tagging the blessing to the kissing of their shoes among others. 

The pastor says they are waiting for an ‘Issue paper’ indicating results of consultations that were held across the country on the same matter by the Ethics department. 

“We expected an Issue paper next month, then came Fr. Lokodo’s grand announcement of the “policy” and its controversial contents. The very process itself presupposes that there can be no such policy at this time” he adds.

He however warns other Born Again Church leaders to exercise restraint and stop blaming each other, but instead should sit down and brainstorm and prepare possible solutions to the issues raised by government. 

Pastor Serwada of Victory Church in Ndeba says Lokodo’s issues cannot be overlooked by the church leaders. He is organizing the annual Passover festival slated for tonight at Namboole national stadium under the theme; “Little by little, step by step……”

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