NRM Parliamentary Caucus to Endorse Museveni Sole Candidature at Kyankwanze Retreat

The ruling NRM party parliamentary caucus heading to Kyankwanzi on Thursday this week is expected to endorse President Yoweri Museveni as the sole party presidential candidate in the 2021 general election.

NRM Parliamentary Caucus to Endorse Museveni Sole Candidature at Kyankwanze Retreat
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The ruling NRM party parliamentary caucus heading to Kyankwanzi on Thursday this week is expected to endorse President Yoweri Museveni as the sole party presidential candidate in the 2021 general election.

The Burahya county MP Margaret Muhanga Mugisa, the caucus publicity secretary told a press briefing in Kampala this morning that while the issue is not on the agenda, if a member brings it up, they will debate and vote on it.

She further explained that their caucus is a democratic setting which considers every member’s submission and considering the same has been discussed and passed by the party Central Executive Committee, there is no reason caucus would ignore it.

Hon. Muhanga added that president Museveni’s sole candidature was also endorsed by local government leaders in 2016 and she would not be surprised if the same is done by NRM MPs.

“If somebody brought it up, we have nothing to do about it, we shall debate it. I know CEC has endorsed him, chairpersons of the district local governments have endorsed him, and chairpersons of NRM from all the 134 districts in Uganda endorsed him in 2016, so it won’t be a surprise to me if he is endorsed again after this retreat.

This year’s retreat which will take place from Thursday 13th to Wednesday 20th March 2019 will cover areas like deepening members’ knowledge and understanding of the NRM ideology, Regional Integration and society, appraising members on the country’s economic progress, and taking stock of the achievements so far realized and challenges met in the implementation of the NRM manifesto of 201-201 among others.

The retreat will run under the theme; “Industrialization for job creation and shared prosperity.”

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