Teenagers warned of possible arrests if found in night Discos

Teenagers in Kitgum district face serious punishment if found out and about in night clubs and other happening places during this third term holidays, local leaders have warned.

Teenagers warned of possible arrests if found in night Discos
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Teenagers in Kitgum district face serious punishment if found out and about in night clubs and other happening places during this third term holidays, local leaders have warned.

According to Jackson Omona the Kitgum District LC V Chairperson, the operation follows reports of increased presence of secondary students at night events meant for adults especially during weekends and school holidays.

Young boys and girls are seen attending corporate nights, a social gathering meant for working class adults that is held every last Friday of the month Omona says.  
Adding that they will not hesitate to arrest such young people found hanging out in clubs, hotels or pubs hosting ‘corporate’ night events.  

Those arrested will be subjected to punishment, such as being taken to slash grass along the banks of Pager River. Parents have also been advised to be watchful of their children’s movement to avoid them falling victims of the coming operations.

Labongo Amida Sub-county chairperson Wilson Nyeko says they have already alerted the Sub county security team to keep an eye on any discos that will be hosted in his area in the coming market days.

Also, young girls and boys found attending night discos will be arrested, detained and fined Shillings 50,000, while their parents will also be arrested and subjected to community work.    

There are four pending market days next month in Opete, Chai and Akworo which always attract young people.
Local leaders believe such night gatherings negatively impact on the social lives of young boys and girls leading to early marriage, teenage pregnancy and consequently school dropout.

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