The district health team in Isingiro is struggling to track down 20 people who are believed to have come into contact with a truck driver who tested positive for Covid-19 at Mirama Hills Border on Sunday, while entering Uganda from Rwanda.
According to Robert Mugabe the Isingiro Resident District Commissioner, the driver who spent a day around Kikagate town council interacting with other people was evacuated to Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital.
However, the district received information that the driver was in contact with 20 people at Kikagate town council before he was admitted. They have since embarked on tracing the contacts, who will be placed under community Quarantine at Rwekubo isolation centre.
Edson Tumusherure the Isingiro District Health officer says some of the contacts include two women and two men that loaded cargo on his truck in Kikagate town.
The driver becomes the second confirmed case being handled in Isolation at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital.
On Tuesday, Uganda registered 4 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 2 being truck drivers while two were from community samples.
These include; a 28 year old male, resident of Buikwe and a contact to one of the previously confirmed truck drivers and a 26 year old male, resident of Kyambogo , Kampala also a contact to one of the previously confirmed truck drivers. He was under quarantine at the time of confirmation and is currently admitted at the China-Uganda friendship hospital, Naguru.
The two Ugandan truck drivers arrived vial Mutukula from Tanzania and are both admitted at Masaka Regional Referral hospital.
Meanwhile, foreign truck drivers who tested positive were turned back. These include 17 Tanzanians, 15 Kenyans, 3 Eritreans and 1 Burundian. Currently, Uganda has 80 admitted COVID-19 confirmed cases. Dr. Henry Mwebesa the Director General Health Services says they are all in good condition.