The 7:00pm to 6:30am curfew imposed by President Yoweri Museveni at the beginning of the COVID19 lockdown in March, will remain in place until 21 June 2020, the Security Minister Gen Elly Tumwiine has announced.
A renewal of the curfew for an extra 21 days, was announced by President Yoweri Museveni on May 19th 2020 and this was supposed to end today. However, Gen Tumwine says the curfew is still on because the count starts from the latest presidential address on June 1, and that guidelines were being reviewed.
“The curfew was extended for 21 days on June 1, that’s where the count starts,” Tumwine said. On June 1st, President Museveni addressed the country and announced the opening of public transport and Malls among other sectors on 4th June, but also added a 21-days of curfew.